How to play hopscotch, Traditional Basic Rules and variations

How to play hopscotch [Updated] - Traditional Hopscotch Basic Rules and variations: So you want to learn that how to play hopscotch?, don't worry today I'm going to teach how to play hopscotch. Hopscotch is a funny game. It can be played outdoors.

Credits: Knight PE Productions YT

If you play outdoors then all you need is a piece of chalk and a rock. But if you play hopscotch indoors, you need a hopscotch set. You also need a marker. 

The game starts with the first person when it's their turn. They start with both feet behind the first number. Some of the sets have letters. And if it's a letter, you would start behind the first letter. Now your first toss will be your easiest toss. 

You have to drop the marker so that it lands on the first number or the first letter. Then player going to pick which foot going to hop with and they has to skip the number one because it is marked by the marker.

And then player can put down two feet. If you accidentally fall in touch the carpet, that's okay. One foot, one foot, two feet, one foot. Now player can get there and put two feet. And then the same thing coming back. 

It's one foot, two feet, one foot. Another, two feet, one foot. Now she's got to stop, pick up the marker. Now on players next turn, they will go for the two. When you drop it on the two or the next one and every time you toss for the mark, it has to be touching part of that number. 

Okay, so if it's touching here, that would be good, of course, because it's on the number two. It only has to be touching part of the number two. So if it's touching half or a little part, that would even still be good. 

That's good at touching the number two. But if it's not touching any of the number two, it would not be good. If it's not touching any of the next number, sorry, your turn's over. 

Give the marker to the next person in line. And then when your turn comes again, you're still trying to get the number twos.

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